How to look at the Comparisons

On these pages, you will see side-by-side comparisons of both films. Ghost in the Shell screenshots are always displayed on the left hand side, while Matrix screenshots are on the right. The screenshots have been taken directly from the DVDs. For the purpose of this comparison, "Ghost in the Shell" will be referred simply as its acronym, "GitS".

The First Scene

Green seems to be kind of a theme w/ both of these movies. Here you see the very first scenes of these movies.

From this green virtual effect, both will eventually fade out into the next scene. Ghost in the Shell will fade into a couple of police holicopters flying by in the night, while Matrix's will fade into the flashlight  carried by a cop.

Some obvious similarities here, each letter of the title appears one by one in a techy/digital way.

Again, also obvious, are these greendigits all across the screen. While GitS uses random numbers and letters that flash on and off during the beginning credits, Matrix uses fictional(some seem to be Japanese) characters that roll down the screen. Conspiracy rating: 7


This GitS scenes above represent a kind of birth; note the fetal positions of the first 2 screenshots and the fact that it is in water. The second set of pics show a dramatic levatation of Motoko(our cyborg heroine) as she ascends from the water, towards the laboratory lights. Now look below:

Again the first pic also symbolizes a birth, shown by the umbilical cord-like wires running out of Neo and him being in a water/gel filled capsule which represents the womb. In the next two pics, we see Neo does show him getting lifting up from the water, which is somewhat dramatic fashion as well onto a bright light. Conspiracy rating: 7

On to more Scene Comparisons